CrossFit Level-1
CrossFit L-2
Certified Nutrition Coach
I played zero sports growing up, but I was in the marching band! I ran but not very competitively or consistently. After graduating college, I jumped around to different workouts, but nothing really stuck. In my first year of Teach for America in Arkansas, I quickly realized I had to take control of my own health instead of succumbing to my circumstances and stress. I joined a CrossFit Natural State about 30 minutes away, I gave up a lot to afford that membership, and I knew not a soul there. Despite injuries and other ebbs and flows of life, CrossFit has been a mainstay in my life since 2014. It is my therapy and how I strive to be the best version of myself. And best of all, it’s how I met my husband and some of my best friends! I love sharing this with others and being a part of their journey!
I just love serving others. I love watching others see their own potential! I also love creating communities and spaces that are inclusive to all while still holding a high standard of excellence.